Helen O’Neil
As a Board director in creative industries organisations Helen works to ensure new investment in the arts and advocate for creative artists and managers. She work in national, regional and government cultural organisations.
Helen led the British Council in Australia to the start of 2018, developing and delivering programmes in the arts and science including the ACCELERATE Indigenous cultural leadership development network, and the FameLab science communications competition. The British Council is the UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities.
She has deep experience in cultural policy and arts management, having served as Senior Adviser and Deputy Chief of Staff to the Australian Minister for the Arts, working on the national
Creative Australia policy and have taught at the Australian Film Television and Radio
School. She was Executive Director of the Australian Major Performing Arts Group and
the Council for the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Chair of the Confederation of
Australian International Arts Festivals, and was a Director of the Film Finance
Corporation 1996-99. She moved into leadership and advocacy from positions in marketing
and communications including with Opera Australia. She was a journalist for the ABC,
later working on digital and broadband TV issues, including the Foxtel start-up for